Ransomware Readiness Assessment

A Ransomware Readiness Assessment service is designed to evaluate an organization's level of preparedness and resilience against ransomware attacks. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities, gaps in security measures, and areas that need improvement to enhance the organization's ability to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from ransomware incidents. Below are key components that a Ransomware Readiness Assessment service might include
Risk Assessment

Evaluate the organization's risk profile and identify assets that are most critical and susceptible to ransomware attacks.

Security Policy and Procedure Review

Assess the existing security policies and procedures to ensure they include comprehensive guidelines for preventing, detecting, and responding to ransomware incidents.

Network and Perimeter Security

Assess the organization's network architecture, firewall configurations, and intrusion prevention systems to identify potential weaknesses that ransomware attackers could exploit.

EndPoint Protection

Evaluate the effectiveness of endpoint security solutions, including antivirus software, endpoint detection and response (EDR), and device management.

Backup and Recovery

Assess the organization's backup and recovery procedures to ensure they are robust, frequent, and capable of restoring systems and data in the event of a ransomware attack.

Incident Response Plan

Review and test the organization's incident response plan to ensure it includes specific procedures for addressing ransomware incidents.

Monitoring and Detection

Assess the organization's ability to monitor and detect unusual or malicious activities on the network and endpoints.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Ensure that the organization is compliant with relevant data protection laws and regulations, and assess how compliance impacts ransomware readiness.

Tabletop Exercise

Conduct simulated tabletop exercises to test the organization's response capabilities and identify areas for improvement.

Technical Audit

A Technical Audit service involves a comprehensive examination and evaluation of an organization's technical infrastructure, systems, processes, and practices. The goal of a technical audit is to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, and security of the organization's technology environment. Technical audits are often conducted by qualified professionals with expertise in information technology, cybersecurity, and related fields. The scope of a technical audit can vary based on the organization's needs and industry requirements. Here are key components typically covered in a technical audit service
  • Infrastructure Assessment: Evaluate the organization’s hardware, network architecture, servers, and other infrastructure components. Identify any weaknesses or inefficiencies that may impact performance or security.
  •  Network Security Audit: Review the organization’s network security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and access controls. Identify vulnerabilities and assess the overall resilience of the network.
  •  System Configuration Review: Examine the configurations of servers, databases, and other critical systems to ensure they adhere to best practices and security standards. Identify and remediate any misconfigurations that could pose risks
  •  Data Security and Privacy Review: Examine data storage, transmission, and processing mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information. Verify compliance with data protection and privacy regulations.
  •  EndPoint Security Review: Evaluate the security of end-user devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. Check for the presence of antivirus software, security patches, and adherence to endpoint security policies.
  •  Cloud Security Assessment: Assess the security of cloud-based infrastructure and services. Ensure that cloud configurations adhere to best practices and that data stored in the cloud is adequately protected.
  •  Software and Application Security Assessment: Evaluate the security of software applications, including web applications, custom software, and third-party applications. Assess for vulnerabilities, security flaws, and adherence to secure coding practices.

Technical Audit

A Technical Audit service involves a comprehensive examination and evaluation of an organization's technical infrastructure, systems, processes, and practices. The goal of a technical audit is to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, and security of the organization's technology environment. Technical audits are often conducted by qualified professionals with expertise in information technology, cybersecurity, and related fields. The scope of a technical audit can vary based on the organization's needs and industry requirements. Here are key components typically covered in a technical audit service
  • Infrastructure Assessment: Evaluate the organization’s hardware, network architecture, servers, and other infrastructure components. Identify any weaknesses or inefficiencies that may impact performance or security.
  •  Network Security Audit: Review the organization’s network security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and access controls. Identify vulnerabilities and assess the overall resilience of the network.
  •  System Configuration Review: Examine the configurations of servers, databases, and other critical systems to ensure they adhere to best practices and security standards. Identify and remediate any misconfigurations that could pose risks
  •  Data Security and Privacy Review: Examine data storage, transmission, and processing mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information. Verify compliance with data protection and privacy regulations.
  •  EndPoint Security Review: Evaluate the security of end-user devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. Check for the presence of antivirus software, security patches, and adherence to endpoint security policies.
  •  Cloud Security Assessment: Assess the security of cloud-based infrastructure and services. Ensure that cloud configurations adhere to best practices and that data stored in the cloud is adequately protected.
  •  Software and Application Security Assessment: Evaluate the security of software applications, including web applications, custom software, and third-party applications. Assess for vulnerabilities, security flaws, and adherence to secure coding practices.

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

OWASP provides resources, tools, and guidelines to help organizations develop, deploy, and maintain secure web applications. While OWASP itself does not offer specific services, its projects and materials are widely used by security professionals, developers, and organizations to enhance the security of web applications. Here are key aspects related to OWASP and how we help organizations to leverage its resources
  • OWASP Project

    Prioritize their efforts in addressing common vulnerabilities such as injection attacks, broken authentication, and cross-site scripting.
    We support various projects that provide tools and resources for application security and focuses on building application layer intrusion detection and automated response. Organizations can explore this project to enhance their ability to detect and respond to suspicious activities within web applications.
    We provide a OWASP project framework of vetted security-related resources for developers and security professionals. It helps organizations enhance their security knowledge and practices.

  • SAMM (Software Assurance Maturity Model)

    SAMM is an OWASP project that provides an effective and measurable way for all types of organizations to analyze and improve their software security posture. We help organizations make use of SAMM to assess and improve their software security practices.

  • Threat Modelling

    Threat modelling to identify and mitigate potential security threats in the design phase of software development.

Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS)

The Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) is a framework of security requirements designed for use when developing, testing, and maintaining modern web applications and web services. ASVS is managed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and is widely used by organizations to ensure that their web applications are developed and maintained with a strong focus on security. While ASVS itself is a set of guidelines and requirements, organizations often seek services related to ASVS implementation and compliance.

ASVS Assessment and Compliance

We offer ASVS assessment services. This involves conducting an assessment of an organization's web applications to ensure compliance with the security requirements outlined in the ASVS standard.

Penetration Testing Against ASVS

Penetration testing services can be tailored to align with ASVS requirements. Penetration testers assess the security of web applications against the security controls specified in ASVS, identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

Secure Development and Training

Training services can be provided to developers and teams to educate them on secure coding practices based on ASVS. This includes understanding and implementing security controls outlined in ASVS during the development lifecycle.

ASVS Gap Analysis

We conduct a gap analysis to identify areas where an organization's current security practices fall short of ASVS requirements. The analysis helps organizations understand the steps needed for compliance.

ASVS Implementation Assistant

Organizations may seek assistance in implementing ASVS requirements within their software development processes. We will guide development teams on how to integrate security controls into the development workflow.

ASVS Integration with SDLC

Assistance in integrating ASVS requirements into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a valuable service. This involves embedding security checks at different stages of the development process based on ASVS principles.

Secure Code Review Services

Our security experts may provide code review services focused on ASVS requirements. This involves reviewing the source code of web applications to identify and rectify security issues in alignment with ASVS.

Customize ASVS

Some organizations may require customization of ASVS based on their specific industry, regulatory, or organizational needs. We can assist in tailoring ASVS to address unique requirements.

Security Awareness Training

Information security training services are designed to educate individuals and organizations on best practices, policies, and techniques for safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. These training programs help build a security-aware culture within organizations and enhance the skills of individuals responsible for managing and protecting information. Here are key components of information security training services
  • Security Awareness Training: Educating employees about the importance of information security, common threats, and best practices. Topics may include password management, phishing awareness, and secure browsing habits.
  •  Data Protection Training: Providing guidance on handling and protecting sensitive data. This includes understanding data classification, encryption methods, and secure data disposal practices.
  •  Secure Coding Training: Training developers on secure coding practices to reduce vulnerabilities in software applications. This includes understanding common coding flaws and implementing secure coding standards.
  •  Incident Response Training: Preparing individuals and teams to respond effectively to security incidents. Training may cover incident detection, reporting, containment, eradication, and recovery procedures.
  •  Phishing Simulation Training: Conducting simulated phishing attacks to train employees to recognize and avoid phishing attempts. This helps in building resilience against social engineering threats.
  •  Compliance Training: Ensuring that employees understand and adhere to relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards pertaining to information security. This may include ISO 27001, NIST, GDPR, HIPAA, or other regional data protection laws.
  •  Insider Threat Training: Raising awareness about insider threats and providing guidance on detecting and mitigating risks associated with malicious or unintentional actions by employees.
  •  Physical Security Training: Educating employees on the importance of physical security measures, including secure access controls, visitor management, and protection of physical assets containing sensitive information.
  • Customized Security Training Program: Developing tailored training programs based on the specific needs and risks faced by an organization.

Security Awareness Training

Information security training services are designed to educate individuals and organizations on best practices, policies, and techniques for safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. These training programs help build a security-aware culture within organizations and enhance the skills of individuals responsible for managing and protecting information. Here are key components of information security training services
  • Security Awareness Training: Educating employees about the importance of information security, common threats, and best practices. Topics may include password management, phishing awareness, and secure browsing habits.
  •  Data Protection Training: Providing guidance on handling and protecting sensitive data. This includes understanding data classification, encryption methods, and secure data disposal practices.
  •  Secure Coding Training: Training developers on secure coding practices to reduce vulnerabilities in software applications. This includes understanding common coding flaws and implementing secure coding standards.
  •  Incident Response Training: Preparing individuals and teams to respond effectively to security incidents. Training may cover incident detection, reporting, containment, eradication, and recovery procedures.
  •  Phishing Simulation Training: Conducting simulated phishing attacks to train employees to recognize and avoid phishing attempts. This helps in building resilience against social engineering threats.
  •  Compliance Training: Ensuring that employees understand and adhere to relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards pertaining to information security. This may include ISO 27001, NIST, GDPR, HIPAA, or other regional data protection laws.
  •  Insider Threat Training: Raising awareness about insider threats and providing guidance on detecting and mitigating risks associated with malicious or unintentional actions by employees.
  •  Physical Security Training: Educating employees on the importance of physical security measures, including secure access controls, visitor management, and protection of physical assets containing sensitive information.
  • Customized Security Training Program: Developing tailored training programs based on the specific needs and risks faced by an organization.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery (DR) services are essential components of an organization's risk management strategy. We help ensure that businesses can continue their critical operations in the face of disruptions, whether caused by natural disasters, technological failures, or other unforeseen events. BCP focuses on maintaining business functions, while DR is concerned with the recovery of IT systems and data. Here are key aspects of BCP/DR services

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Conducting a BIA to identify critical business processes, their dependencies, and the potential impact of disruptions. This analysis informs the development of BCP and DR plans.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Assessing potential risks and vulnerabilities that could impact business operations. Developing strategies to mitigate risks and enhance the organization's resilience.

BCP Plan Development

Creating a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan that outlines procedures, resources, and responsibilities for maintaining essential business functions during disruptions. This includes strategies for relocation, resource allocation, and communication.

DR Plan Development

Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan focused on restoring IT systems and data after a disruptive event. This includes backup and recovery procedures, system redundancy, and data restoration strategies.

Emergency Response Planning

Developing procedures for immediate response to emergencies, including evacuation plans, emergency communication, and coordination with emergency services.

Tabletop Exercises and Simulations

Regularly conducting tabletop exercises and simulations to test the effectiveness of BCP and DR plans. This helps identify areas for improvement and ensures preparedness.

Data Backup and Recovery

Establishing robust data backup and recovery mechanisms to ensure the availability of critical data in the event of data loss or corruption.

Alternative Site Planning

Identifying alternate sites for business operations and IT systems in case the primary location becomes unavailable. This may involve setting up hot, warm, or cold sites based on recovery time objectives.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensuring that BCP and DR plans comply with industry regulations and standards. This is crucial for organizations operating in regulated sectors.