Digital Forensics Investigation (DFI)

Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) services involve the process of collecting, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence to investigate and respond to cyber incidents, security breaches, or legal disputes. Digital forensics plays a crucial role in uncovering the truth, attributing cyber incidents to specific actors, and supporting legal proceedings. Here are key components of Digital Forensic Investigation services

Ransomware Attack Investigation

A Ransomware Attack Investigation service is essential for organizations that have fallen victim to a ransomware incident. The primary goal is to identify the root cause of the attack, contain the impact, and facilitate recovery. Below are few key components that a Ransomware Attack Investigation service might include

Forensics Analysis

Our DFI team conduct a detailed analysis of affected systems, including servers, workstations, and network logs, to identify how the ransomware entered the environment and its propagation path.

Network Analysis

Analyze network traffic to understand the communication patterns between compromised systems and external entities, including command and control servers.

Memory Analysis

Analyze the system's memory to identify active processes and potential indicators of compromise

Backup Assessment

Evaluate the availability and integrity of backups for data recovery. Develop a strategy for restoring systems and data to minimize downtime.

Malware Analysis

Identify the specific variant of ransomware involved and analyze its characteristics, such as encryption methods and communication with command and control servers.

Documentation and Reporting

Provide a detailed incident report, including findings, actions taken, and recommendations for future prevention and response.

Forensic Imaging and Analysis

Forensic Imaging and Analysis services are critical components of digital forensics, particularly in incidents involving cybersecurity breaches, data breaches, or criminal activities. These services focus on preserving and analyzing digital evidence to reconstruct events, identify attackers, and support legal proceedings. Here are few key components of a Forensic Imaging and Analysis service
Media Imaging

Create forensic images of digital media, such as hard drives, servers, and mobile devices, to preserve the state of the system at the time of the incident.
Capture a snapshot of volatile memory to analyze running processes, open connections, and artifacts.

Chain of Custody

Establish and maintain a secure chain of custody for all collected digital evidence to ensure its admissibility in legal proceedings.

File System Analysis

Examine file systems for evidence of unauthorized access, file manipulation, or data exfiltration.

Registry Analysis

Analyze registry entries for signs of malware, persistence mechanisms, or other malicious activities.

Network Analysis

Examine network logs and traffic patterns to identify communication with malicious entities.

Data Carving

Use data carving techniques to recover deleted or obscured files that may contain relevant evidence.

Metadata Analysis

Analyze metadata associated with files and documents to gather information about their origin and modification history.


Provide a comprehensive report detailing findings, analysis results, and interpretations of digital evidence.

Malware Analysis

Malware Analysis services are specialized offerings provided by cybersecurity professionals to examine and understand malicious software (malware). These services are crucial for organizations facing security incidents, as they help identify the characteristics, behavior, and potential impact of malware, ultimately aiding in mitigation and prevention. Here are few key components of Malware Analysis services
Static Analysis

Examine the static properties of the malware file, such as its code, structure, and embedded resources. Disassemble the executable code to understand its low-level instructions and logic.

Dynamic Analysis

Execute the malware in a controlled environment to observe its behavior, such as file modifications, registry changes, network communications, and system interactions.


Run the malware in an isolated environment (sandbox) to capture its runtime activities without affecting the production environment.

Reverse Engineering

Analyze the malware's code to understand its functionality, algorithms, and encryption techniques. Convert the executable code back into a high-level programming language for easier analysis.

Attribution Analysis

Leverage threat intelligence feeds to identify patterns and attributes associated with known threat actors. Evaluate potential attribution based on malware characteristics and attack patterns.

Data Recovery

Data Recovery for forensic investigation is a specialized service that focuses on recovering and analyzing digital evidence for use in legal proceedings, criminal investigations, or other forensic purposes. This service is typically provided by experts with skills in both data recovery and forensic analysis. Here are few key components of Data Recovery for forensic investigation services:

  • Hardware Examination: Examine the physical condition of the storage device to identify any signs of damage, tampering, or manipulation. Perform necessary repairs or reconstruction to make the hardware functional while preserving evidence.
  • Data Recovery Technique: Create a forensically sound image of the storage device to preserve the original data without altering it. Extract raw data from the storage medium, considering data fragments and unallocated space.
  • File System Analysis: Reconstruct file systems to retrieve file structures and metadata. Attempt to recover deleted files and associated metadata.
  • Data Validation and Integrity: Use cryptographic techniques to calculate checksums or hashes for recovered data and verify its integrity. Validate the accuracy of recovered data against known sources or backup data.
  • Reporting: Generate a detailed forensic report documenting the entire data recovery process, findings, and analysis results. Provide support as an expert witness, if required, to testify about the methods used and the integrity of the recovered data.

Data Recovery

Data Recovery for forensic investigation is a specialized service that focuses on recovering and analyzing digital evidence for use in legal proceedings, criminal investigations, or other forensic purposes. This service is typically provided by experts with skills in both data recovery and forensic analysis. Here are few key components of Data Recovery for forensic investigation services:

  • Hardware Examination: Examine the physical condition of the storage device to identify any signs of damage, tampering, or manipulation. Perform necessary repairs or reconstruction to make the hardware functional while preserving evidence.
  • Data Recovery Technique: Create a forensically sound image of the storage device to preserve the original data without altering it. Extract raw data from the storage medium, considering data fragments and unallocated space.
  • File System Analysis: Reconstruct file systems to retrieve file structures and metadata. Attempt to recover deleted files and associated metadata.
  • Data Validation and Integrity: Use cryptographic techniques to calculate checksums or hashes for recovered data and verify its integrity. Validate the accuracy of recovered data against known sources or backup data.
  • Reporting: Generate a detailed forensic report documenting the entire data recovery process, findings, and analysis results. Provide support as an expert witness, if required, to testify about the methods used and the integrity of the recovered data.

Chain of Custody Management

Chain of Custody (CoC) management is a critical aspect of Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) services. The Chain of Custody refers to the documented and chronological record of the custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical and digital evidence. Proper management of the Chain of Custody is essential to ensure the integrity and admissibility of evidence in legal proceedings. Here are few key considerations for Chain of Custody management in DFI services


Maintain a comprehensive and well-documented record of the entire Chain of Custody process, from the initial collection of evidence to its final disposition. Clearly identify each custodian or person responsible for handling the evidence at each stage.

Secure Packaging

Use tamper-evident packaging for physical evidence to ensure that any attempt to tamper with or open the package is detectable. Securely seal and label evidence containers with unique identifiers and details such as case numbers, dates, and descriptions.

Handling Procedure

Establish and enforce strict protocols for the proper handling of digital and physical evidence to prevent contamination, loss, or damage. When applicable, use protective gear such as gloves to avoid contamination of evidence.

Transfer Protocols

Specify authorized personnel who are allowed to handle and transfer evidence, and maintain a record of their actions. Use Chain of Custody forms to document transfers, including the date, time, locations, and identities of individuals involved.

Transportation Security

Implement secure transportation methods for physical evidence, considering factors such as temperature, humidity, and protection against external threats. Maintain logs for vehicles transporting evidence, including departure and arrival times and any stops made.

Digital Evidence Security

Implement encryption for digital evidence to protect its integrity during storage and transmission. Implement strict access controls for digital evidence storage areas to prevent unauthorized access.

Storage Security

Store physical evidence in secured facilities with restricted access. Implement environmental controls, such as temperature and humidity monitoring, to preserve the integrity of physical evidence.