The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection and privacy regulation that applies to businesses operating in the European Union (EU) or processing personal data of EU residents. GDPR services help organizations understand, implement, and maintain compliance with the regulation. Here are key GDPR services.

Consulting Services

Consulting services provide guidance on understanding GDPR requirements, conducting assessments, and developing a compliance strategy.

Key Activities:

  • GDPR gap analysis
  • Data protection impact assessments (DPIAs)
  • Compliance readiness assessments
  • Implementation planning

Data Mapping and Inventory

Services focus on identifying and documenting the types of personal data processed, stored, and transmitted by an organization.

Key Activities:

  • Data mapping and classification
  • Personal data inventory creation
  • Data flow analysis
  • Record of processing activities (ROPA)

Data Mapping and Inventory

Services focus on identifying and documenting the types of personal data processed, stored, and transmitted by an organization.

Key Activities:

  • Data mapping and classification
  • Personal data inventory creation
  • Data flow analysis
  • Record of processing activities (ROPA)

Data Protection Officer (DPO) as a Service

Organizations can engage services to appoint an external Data Protection Officer, as required by GDPR, to oversee data protection activities.

Key Activities:

  • DPO appointment and support
  • Privacy impact assessment (PIA) oversight
  • Communication with data protection authorities
  • GDPR compliance reporting

Privacy by Design and Default

Services assist organizations in integrating privacy considerations into the design and default settings of their products, services, and processes.

Key Activities:

  • Privacy impact assessments (PIAs)
  • Development of privacy-friendly features
  • Training on privacy by design principles
  • Continuous monitoring for privacy compliance

Privacy by Design and Default

Services assist organizations in integrating privacy considerations into the design and default settings of their products, services, and processes.

Key Activities:

  • Privacy impact assessments (PIAs)
  • Development of privacy-friendly features
  • Training on privacy by design principles
  • Continuous monitoring for privacy compliance

Data Subject Rights Management

Services help organizations manage and respond to data subject rights requests, such as access, rectification, erasure, and portability.

Key Activities:

  • Establishing processes for handling requests
  • Verification and authentication procedures
  • Response coordination and documentation
  • Training for staff involved in handling requests

Consent Management

Consent management services assist organizations in obtaining, recording, and managing user consents in compliance with GDPR.

Key Activities:

  • Consent form design and implementation
  • Records of consent
  • Consent withdrawal mechanisms
  •  Communication and transparency

Consent Management

Consent management services assist organizations in obtaining, recording, and managing user consents in compliance with GDPR.

Key Activities:

  • Consent form design and implementation
  • Records of consent
  • Consent withdrawal mechanisms
  •  Communication and transparency

Incident Response and Planning

Services provide guidance on developing and implementing an incident response plan and managing the process of notifying authorities and data subjects in case of a data breach.

Key Activities:

  • Incident response planning
  • Breach notification coordination
  •  Communication with supervisory authorities
  • Post-incident analysis and improvements